
2025 Board Elections

Following the 3-year-term election cycle, Districts 5 and 6 are up for election in 2025. Following the January 22 application deadline for individuals seeking nomination by committee, Nominating Committees for District 5 and 6 interviewed eligible applicants. The following individuals will be on the 2025 election ballot:

District 5: Bradley Swope, Nominated by Committee

District 6: Fred Sheen (incumbent), Nominated by Committee

Candidate photos and bios will be published on this page on March 15, 2025, once information can be gathered from all candidates nominated by committee and petition.

Apply to be Nominated by Petition

Members seeking nomination by petition have until 9 a.m. on March 5 to submit their applications and petition signature forms.

PLEASE NOTE: Prior to beginning the petition process, the petitioner must contact GVEA staff at pr@corporatefilmfest.com to verify petitioner has a GVEA membership in their name for the district in which they are petitioning. Staff will provide a Petition Signature Form, which has been approved by the Association’s attorney.

Apply to serve on the Board of Directors!

The Election Process

The Board of Director Nomination and Election Process Handbook is downloadable. It contains information on the qualifications for directors, as well as the processes of being nominated, running by petition, and campaigning.

Instructions & Director Application Materials

Application Checklists

Applicant Nominated Via the Nominating Committee

Deadline to submit completed application to GVEA is: 5 p.m. on January 22, 2025. The documents that must be completed are:

  • Application, completed and e-signed Go to our Board of Directors Application page to complete the application online.
  • Background Check Report The Candidate is responsible for obtaining their background check report directly from the Alaska State Troopers. The cost is $20 per report and generally can be obtained while waiting at the Alaska State Troopers office on Peger Road in Fairbanks or Deborah Street in Delta Junction, Alaska. See Appendix B for a summary of this process.The report must be included as part of your application and needs to be dated no earlier than 90 days prior to the application deadline – 5 p.m. on January 22, 2025. If pages are missing from the submitted report, or it appears altered in anyway, it will not be accepted.

Nominating Committee’s Approved Interview Questions for Candidates.

Candidates, including incumbents, whose applications are complete and meet the requirements to be eligible to run for a board seat, will be interviewed by the nominating committee. Nominating Committees are required to ask the following approved questions. Other questions can be asked and must be reviewed by GVEA legal counsel before they are used. Each candidate will be asked the same questions that a nominating committee chooses to use during the candidate interview process.

Core Questions:

  1. Describe your vision for how GVEA could change over the foreseeable future to meet the needs of its membership while staying abreast of developing technologies.
  2. What knowledge and skills do you bring to complement the existing expertise on the GVEA Board of Directors?
  3. GVEA’s Member Advisory Committee functions as a liaison between the Board and the membership. What ideas do you have for utilizing the MAC in this function?
  4. What do you understand about GVEA’s fuel diversity and GVEA’s Carbon Reduction Goal?
  5. The Board provides governance through policy and strategic direction. How will you contribute in this area of board responsibility?
  6. How can and should the Board communicate with its members?
Applicant Nominated Via the Petition Process

Bylaws Article V Section 4c, d. Nominations

50 members or three percent of the number of members of a district, whichever is less, may nominate candidates for their district by signing and submitting a written petition, received by the Cooperative not less than fifty days prior to the annual meeting.

The names of the persons nominated by petition shall be posted in the same place as the list of candidates nominated by the nominating committee.

The Board Secretary (or designee) shall cause to be mailed with the ballots sent to the members of each district the names, addresses and resumes of the candidates nominated for that district, specifying separately the nominations made by the nominating committee and the nominations made by petition. Such specification shall, however, not be included on the printed ballot.

Prior to beginning the petition process, the petitioner must contact GVEA staff to verify petitioner has a GVEA membership in their name for the district in which they are petitioning. Staff can provide a Petition Signature Form, which has been approved by the Association’s Attorney.

In order to secure the required number of valid signatures from the district in which you wish to run, petitioners may request a membership list for their district. This requires signing GVEA’s Confidentiality Agreement – Petitioner and having it notarized. Petitioner should plan to collect at least 25% more than the minimum bylaw requirement referenced above. Signatures collected may be invalid for several reasons including:

  • Signer not on the account
  • Wrong district
  • Both members of a joint account signed – joint accounts qualify as one membership and only one signature will be valid

Contact GVEA staff for these forms.

Applicants using the petition process are required to turn in their petitions no later than 9 a.m. on March 5, 2025. GVEA staff will verify each signature for validation by 5 p.m. that same day and notify the candidate of the number of valid signatures.

Applicants must submit ONE petition application including the following for processing by staff by the deadline:

  • Application, completed and e-signed
    Go to our Board of Directors Application page to complete the application online. Follow instructions on page of application. (Section 12)
  • Background Check Report
    The Candidate is responsible for obtaining their background check report directly from the Alaska State Troopers. The cost is $20 per report and generally can be obtained while waiting at the Alaska State Troopers office on Peger Road in Fairbanks or Deborah Street in Delta Junction, Alaska. See Appendix B for a summary of this process. The report must be included as part of your application packet and needs to be dated no earlier than 90 days prior to the application deadline – 9 a.m. on Thursday, December 5, 2024.
  • Petition Signature Form
    Prior to beginning the petition process, the petitioner must contact GVEA staff to verify petitioner has a GVEA membership in their name for the district in which they are petitioning. Staff can provide a Petition Signature Form, which has been approved by the Association’s Attorney..

Prior to beginning the petition process, the petitioner must contact GVEA staff to verify petitioner has a GVEA membership in their name for the district in which they are petitioning. Staff will provide a Petition Signature Form, which has been approved by the Association’s attorney.

Board of Directors Policies

Policy 2.7 – Qualifications of Directors

I. Objective

To establish guidelines to be used by nominating committees in selecting the most qualified persons to nominate as candidates for election to the Board.

II. Policy

The policy set forth below shall be used when considering the qualifications of candidates for directorship. The nomination of a Director shall be made without discrimination as to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, veteran status, marital status, pregnancy, parenthood, disability or sexual orientation.

A. Bylaw Requirements

No person shall be eligible to become or remain a Director who:

  1. Is not a member of the Cooperative by virtue of membership held in his name as a natural person receiving electric service at his residence in the district from which he is elected;
  2. Does not have the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract or who is not physically or mentally able to discharge the duties of a Director;
  3. Is in any way employed by or holds a material financial interest in any of the following:
    1. A competing enterprise;
    2. A business selling electric energy;
    3. A business selling substantial amounts of energy or fuel products to the Cooperative;
    4. A major vendor to the Cooperative, including but not limited to, professional consultants, electrical contractors, and businesses whose sales to the Cooperative represent more than 1/3 of its business;
  4. Is employed or has been employed by the Cooperative or a subsidiary within the last 3 years;
  5. Is employed by, materially affiliated with, or shares a material financial interest with, any other Director;
  6. Is an officer or employee of a collective bargaining unit with which the Cooperative has a labor contract;
  7. Is a close relative or a member of a household of a Director of the Cooperative or of a person described in (c), (d), (e), or (f) above;
  8. Has been convicted of a felony and has not had his civil rights restored;
  9. Had a criminal judgment entered against him based on fraud, theft, deceit, misrepresentation, conspiracy, breach of trust, breach of fiduciary duty, or insider trading;
  10. Has not provided a criminal background check within 90 days of the election;
  11. Has served on the Board for at least 2 ½ consecutive years, but who has failed to qualify for and obtain the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD) designation.

B. Guidelines

The person nominated:

  1. Must be willing to attend regular and special meetings of the Board; national, state and other meetings of organizations with common interests that further the cooperative movement; and training institutes or seminars on subjects of current importance to the Association.
  2. Should be aware that members of the Board serve without salary and on a fee basis only for attendance at meetings of the Board, meetings of the members and meetings and conferences specifically authorized by the Board. All reasonable expenses in connection with Board-authorized attendance at such meetings and conferences are reimbursable.
  3. Shall not use, or cause to be used, his position as Director to further any political ambitions.
  4. Shall not have been employed by the Association within the past 36 months.
  5. Shall not have been found guilty of a felony offence within the last five years, shall not have had a judgment ordered against him or her in a civil claim based on fraud, theft, deceit, misrepresentation, civil conspiracy, breach of trust, breach of fiduciary duty, insider trading, failure to disclose materials facts or changes, or similar conduct, shall not be involved in any litigation against the Association, shall be in good standing with his or her account, shall not have been prohibited or otherwise removed as a Director of an organization, and if a member of a professional body, shall not have, during the previous five years, been involuntarily prohibited or restricted from practicing as a member of that body.
  6. Must be willing to take the oath of office as specified in Policy 2.8.1.
  7. Directors are individually, and collectively as a board, responsible for the fiduciary and legal implications of Board decisions.
  8. Directors must avoid conflicts of interest, observe high standards of integrity and ethics, and maintain the confidentiality and security of Board deliberations.
  9. Directors are expected to be diligent in preparing for and attending Board meetings, contribute positively to Board discussions and work in harmony with other board members.
  10. Directors must disclose to the Association the nature and extent of any real or perceived interest that the Director has in a material contract or transaction, or a proposed material contract or transaction with the Association.
  11. Directors shall be:
    1. Individuals of good character.
    2. Knowledgeable about the cooperative business model.
    3. A ware of, and comfortable with, the legal liabilities implicit with Board service.
    4. Able to add to the diversity of knowledge and skills of the Board, in areas such as: Board governance
      • Strategic leadership, planning and management
      • Financial management
      • Risk management
      • Project management
      • Computer literacy
      • Human resources
      • General business knowledge and skill
      • Marketing and communications
      • Administration and law
    5. In addition, board members must demonstrate:
      • An ability to compromise and work collaboratively with others.
      • An ability to communicate effectively.
      • Pro-active leadership
      • An ability to represent the entire membership
      • Good listening skills
  12. Must be willing to expend the effort needed to understand the Association's issues and concerns and to provide the judgment needed to reach decisions in constantly changing circumstances.
  13. Must be willing to support in his official capacity as a Board member all official decisions and actions made or taken by a majority of the Board.
  14. Must be willing to study conscientiously the information contained in reports submitted to the Board.
  15. Must be willing to contribute to the development of statements on functions and responsibilities of Directors and to work toward their constant improvement.
  16. Must be able to consider and evaluate objectively the questions, issues and concerns with which the Association is faced.
  17. Must remain informed about, alert to and aware of the ideals and objectives of the Association and to study and analyze the policies, plans, issues and concerns which result from efforts to achieve such ideals and objectives.
  18. Must be informed about and responsive to the attitudes of the members and general public toward the Association's objectives and policies.
  19. Must be able to inform interested persons about the Association's ideals, objectives, programs and services.
  20. Must be able to qualify for and obtain a National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Credentialed Cooperative Director's Certification within two and one-half consecutive years of service as a Director.

III. Responsibility

  1. It shall be the responsibility of the Board to appoint nominating committees as set out in Policy 2.6.1 for the districts that are up for election.
  2. It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of the Board or his designee to inform the nominating committees about the foregoing requirements and guidelines of candidates.
Policy 2.1.1 – Director’s Conflict of Interest

I. Objective

To define conflicts of interest and to establish rules governing a Director's conduct when conflicts of interest exist or are claimed to exist.

II. Policy

  1. A conflict of interest exists when a Director or a member of his immediate family has a personal financial interest in an entity to whom a contract or other thing of value may be awarded or given on the basis of a decision by the Board or when the matter or proceeding involves any person who is, or has been, an employer, employee, client, patient or other business associate of the Board member within one (1) year immediately preceding the date of the matter or proceeding and the matter or proceeding is directly related to the Board member's representation of that employer, employee, client, patient or other business associate of the Board member. A conflict of interest also exists when the issue to be decided by a vote of the Board may have a direct non-monetary impact, adverse or beneficial, on the Director or a member of his immediate family, of a nature and extent significantly different from the impact on other persons.
  2. A Director having a conflict of interest shall disclose to the other Directors the nature of the conflict. He shall not engage in discussions or debate about the issue as to which a conflict of interest exists, nor shall he vote on any issue as to which a conflict exists.
  3. If a Director asserts that another Director has a conflict of interest, he may request that the Director refrain from participating in discussions, debate, or vote on the issue as to which a conflict is claimed to exist. If the Director in question denies that a conflict of interest exists, the question of whether or not that Director may participate in discussions, debate or vote on the particular issue, a majority vote by the Board shall decide.
  4. If a Director is deemed to have a conflict as described in B or C above, the Director will leave the room and not participate in the discussion and/or vote on that issue unless asked to remain by unanimous consent of the Board.
  5. For the purpose of this policy, a Director's "immediate family" means a person who by blood or in law, including half, foster, step or adoptive kin is either a spouse, child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, brother or sister of the person in question or who on a fixed, long-term or non-temporary basis, shares living quarters with the director.
  6. Annually, the Board shall sign a Conflict of interest Disclosure Statement which shall be reviewed by all Board members at the annual CEO/ Attorney/Board Review and maintained by the Local General Counsel.


Each Director and the Association Attorney are responsible for compliance with this policy.

Adopted: December 19, 1988
Amended: June 28, 2010

District Maps

District 1 Map – Includes the railroad industrial area, which includes Well Street and Phillips Field Road south of the Johansen Expressway to the Chena River; Graehl Subdivision to Hamilton Avenue and north of Adak Avenue; heading north out of Fairbanks, the general area west of the Steese Highway, including Fox, Chatanika, Haystack and Elliot Highway; Farmers Loop, Goldstream, Murphy Dome and Sheep Creek Roads; the University of Alaska; College Road and north of Noyes Slough, excluding Lemeta Subdivisions south of College Road.

District 2 Map – Includes Lemeta Subdivision; the general area south of Noyes Slough and north of the Chena River; Doyon Estates; Danby Street; Aurora Subdivision, Geist Road; University West; Chena Ridge; Goldhill Road; Ester; and the Parks Highway south to Mile 343.

District 3 Map – Includes the area south of the Chena Small Tracks and east of Chena Pump to Rosie Creek; the west side of Fairbanks, south of the Chena River, west of Peger Road and south of Airport Way; north of Richardson Highway to Woll Road; and south of the Chena River and Chena Slough over to Nordale Road; and Richardson Highway west of Mile 352.

District 4 Map – Includes downtown Fairbanks, north of Airport Way and east of Peger Road up to the Chena River; the subdivisions of Island Homes, Hamilton Acres, Shannon Park and Birchwood Homes; all areas east of the Steese Highway heading north out of Fairbanks and south of Goldstream Road, including Chena Hot Springs Road; also Secluded Acres Subdivision, located east of Fort Wainwright and north of the Chena River.

District 5 Map – Includes the area of North Pole; the Richardson Highway from Mile 352 and the east side of Woll Road; Nordale Road; the area north of Chena Slough; Moose Creek; Eielson; and south to the Salcha River.

District 6 Map –Includes Delta Junction, Fort Greely and all areas south of the Salcha River, including Harding and Birch Lakes.

District 7 Map – Includes the areas of Nenana, Clear, Anderson, Healy, McKinley Village and Cantwell.